Implant Crown

Dental crowns and bridges offer a safe and affordable way to repair damaged or missing teeth. The experienced team at Mowry Dental in Fremont, California, specializes in providing customized dental solutions to fit your unique needs. With state-of-the-art equipment and a dedication to patient comfort, the team offers same-day crowns to get you back to your daily routine as quickly as possible. Call the office today or select the online booking tool to see if you’re a candidate for same-day restorations.

How do crowns and bridges treat damaged or missing teeth?

Crowns and bridges are dental restorations that cover damaged and decayed teeth or replace missing teeth. While crowns can function independently, bridges require the support of neighboring teeth. 
A crown is a cap shaped like a tooth. It protects damaged or decayed teeth while restoring their size, shape, and color. 
A dental bridge, which replaces one or more missing teeth, includes artificial teeth anchored with supporting crowns. These crowns ensure the bridge remains stable and keeps it from shifting.

How do I know if I need dental crowns, bridges, or both?

Determining whether you need a dental crown, bridge, or both requires a thorough dental exam and consultation with your experienced dentist at Mowry Dental. 
During the exam, the team evaluates the health and condition of your teeth, gums, and jawbone to make the appropriate treatment recommendation based on your needs.
While a dental bridge replaces missing teeth, dental crowns can address several concerns, such as:

  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Worn teeth
  • Large cavities
  • Old fillings
  • Teeth that have undergone root canal therapy
  • Discolored teeth

Crowns can also connect to dental implants — titanium posts that replace your natural tooth roots.

What is the typical process for getting dental crowns and bridges?

Traditional crowns and bridges take at least two visits to plan and place, but Mowry Dental has invested in CEREC® with CAD/CAM technology to offer same-day restorations. When you arrive, the team removes any decay and takes digital X-rays.
To prepare your teeth for crowns, the team reshapes and files them. Next, they take digital impressions to design and fabricate your crowns and bridges onsite with their milling machine. 
Once your restorations are ready, they place your permanent crowns and bridges, eliminating the need for temporary appliances.

Do dental crowns and bridges require special care or maintenance?

Maintaining optimal oral hygiene habits, such as brushing, flossing, avoiding hard or sticky foods, and scheduling regular teeth cleanings, can extend the lifespan of crowns
and bridges. 
Investing in crowns and bridges improves your oral health and quality of life and gives you the confidence to show off your smile. Call Mowry Dental today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.

No White Coats. No Judgements. No Pressure. A team first approach, that takes dentistry very seriously but not ourselves. A place to laugh, be healthy, have fun, and be family. Dentistry done best!


39355 California St, Suite 100, Fremont, CA 94538